Wednesday, January 21, 2015

10 Tips To Help You Reduce Your Energy Bill

If you’re like most people, you’re already doing some things to cut down on energy use, such as lowering the heat at night. To help you save even more, we’ve put together this guide of 10 things you can do to make your home more energy efficient, without sacrificing your comfortable lifestyle. It’s simple. When you use less, you’ll pay less. 

Heating your home is the largest user of energy and offers the greatest opportunity for savings. About 30% of your total home energy budget goes for heating.

  1. Get a Tune-Up. A furnace tune-up can save up to 10% on your heating bills each year. It's worth having your heating system tuned and inspected by a service professional before each heating season. 
  2. Seal Air Leaks. Seal up all those little cracks, gaps and openings around the windows and floors, and you'll find out you can save more than 10% on your heating bills. Grab some caulk and seal up the cracks. Check where the pipes come in to the house and make sure there are no gaps. 
  3. Clean that Filter. Furnaces use less energy if they “breathe” more easily. Follow instructions in the furnace manufacturer’s manual to clean your filter. You should replace the filter once a year to keep your system running at peak efficiency.
  4. Run the ceiling fan. It may sound too easy, but running a ceiling fan on low will push all that hot air down and circulate it through the house, maintaining even temperatures and making your heating and cooling system work a little easier.
  5. Do your laundry later. Some utility companies offer discounts during non-peak hours. Check to see if your utility company does the same. Usually it's after 8:00pm.
  6. Close the blinds. Keeping the sun rays out of your house on hot days will reduce your energy bill during the summer. Close the curtains on the sunny side of the house during the afternoons or consider putting an awning up or window film to block out radiant heat..
  7. Get a Smart Stat. There are many smart thermostats on the market now that automatically lower your home's temperature when you're away or when you're sleeping at night. The Carrier Infinity Touch, when combined with the Infinity System, can save quite a bit in energy costs each year. Plus it's remotely accessible, so you can monitor and change your thermostat from your smart phone or iPad.
  8. Add Insulation. Make sure you have adequate insulation in your home’s attic and walls, and around heating ducts that pass through unheated spaces. 
  9. Watch the Humidity. Some homes have high indoor humidity levels due to poor ventilation, concrete slab floors or very damp and shady locations. During winter, excess humidity may contribute to mold and mildew growth in rooms receiving little heat. Consider getting a dehumidifier to control the humidity levels in your house.
  10. Check the Vents. Opening the vents in your house allows your system to heat or cool your rooms easier. If there are certain rooms in the house that are not used often, close the vents and the doors to save on the cost of wasted heat or cooling.